The 4R HDB flat is pared-back to a 2-bedroom dwelling, renovated to an understated scheme with an open-plan living-work space that celebrates natural light. The living-work space has minimal built-ins, characterised by warm wood and iconic/designer chairs, matched with contrasting cement screed flooring. Location & Type__Northeast region, HDB apartment Available area__160sqf/14.9sqm to 489sqf/45sqm Ceiling Height__2.5 m Electric capacity__230V 13A Track lights & air conditioner available Category Type : Housing Accommodates : 1-10 People Property Type : Modern Apartment - Prices - Hourly Price: SGD$75 Site Visit Price: SGD$50 Security Fee: SGD$150 - Description - The Space The unit is positioned on the second floor, readily accessible to the ground floor void deck/common space. The front door greets the cement ventilation blocks to an open-plan light-filled living-work space. The ceiling is 2.5 metres high with most windows extending from floor to ceiling, overlooking the greenery of a small park and playground. The unit's elemental aesthetics engenders natural light, bringing the surrounding nature to the fore, hence the living room can be an experimental and versatile play/workspace where furniture could be readily reconfigured. The master bedroom is simple and stripped in powerful ebony blue that instantaneously eases one to rest, with a shower room clad in slate-grey and wood tiles lying adjacent, separated by a textured glass screen. Both homeowner and occupiers come from a background in industrial design, hence the living space is a conglomeration of their design acumen: their furniture is from Grafunkt, Space/Xtra and Commune, as well as a handful of vintage hand-me-down pieces. Cast & Crew Access At each shoot, the access for cast & crew is recommended as such: - Living-work space, (the kitchen as a holding area) __ 488.6 sqf/45.4sqm - Master and master bathroom/toilet (living place as a holding area) __ 160sqf/14.46sqm - Kitchen with service yard (living area as recommended holding area) __ 127sqf/11.8sqm - Common toilet/bathroom as a make-up space/as is for the crew. - The ground floor void deck space can be booked as an additional, open holding area. This is possible through the town council for a permit. Interaction with Cast & Crew The owner will be the main contact point and will be around during the shoot. Getting Around Unloading parking space within 100m. There are also 2 multi-storey car parks within 500m away. 2 Kopitiam are available and the nearest Giant supermart is 24-7. The nearest MRT station is 7~10 minutes walk, LRT station is a stone's throw away. Other Things to Note The filming duration should include the set-up of additional furniture/equipment and bump out. As a general rule and to be considerate to neighbours, the available time is 07:30 to 20:00 hours. The price would remain the same for nighttime and weekends. A house visit prior to filming, a confirmation pre-deposit and a discussion of filming/logistical expectations are highly appreciated. Minimum usage is 3 hours. You may choose cash/paynow payment on the completion of the filming day. Both homeowner and occupiers have undergone the experience of 1 full-day shoot (up to 20 crew) at the same venue. - House Rules - Please refrain from: - shooting outside the home grounds wherever possible - paint the walls - using strong glue, tapes, nails, screws, thumbtacks etc in the house: walls, floors and ceilings.
Opening hours
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
Contact Information
Staytion Spaces
Staytion Spaces is a renowned space owner located in the heart of Singapore
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